Frequently Asked Questions
Why Visven?
Most biomechanical analysis options are expensive, time-consuming, and may not be available in your area. Visven is proud to offer a cost-effective, quick, accessible solutions for clinicians and coaches to use with their patients and athletes, without sacrificing accuracy.
Who can benefit from using Visven?
Anyone recovering from a lower extremity injury, athletes of any age and skill level, or anyone who is active. Visven can be used with youth, adolescent, adult, or masters athletes - in the clinic, in the gym, or on the field.
What kind of equipment do I need to use Visven?
The only equipment you need on-hand to use Visven is an iPhone with the latest operating system installed and a 12” box for performing drop vertical jumps. We’ll send you a tripod and calibration mat, and that’s all you need to get started. No expensive cameras or permanent rigging systems necessary.
What do my athletes need to wear for their Visven assessment?
The only apparel required for Visven assessments is a pair of shorts so that the knee joint is visible on camera. Otherwise, your athletes/patients may wear whatever they are comfortable in since our markerless system eliminates the possibility of marker drift due to clothing artifact as typically seen with traditional motion capture systems.
Which functional assessments does Visven support?
The functional assessments that Visven currently supports are drop vertical jump, countermovement jump, tuck jump, and double-leg squats. Visven also allows the user to input and store quadriceps and hamstring strength values (assessed outside of the app with external hardware, not included) as part of the ACL Rehabilitation Assessment. The ACL Rehabilitation Assessment also allows the client to answer questions from the ACL Return to Sport after Injury patient-reported outcome measure. More assessments to serve a broader population will be added in the future.
How long does it take to receive my results from Visven?
Unlike traditional motion capture systems, Visven processes your videos and results immediately after you complete an assessment. It usually takes no longer than a minute or two to generate your results, so long as your video recordings are kept as short as possible. After analysis is complete, you will receive a detailed report of your results that includes a breakdown of what the numbers mean. You also have the option to play back videos of recorded trials and view a plot of each variable over time throughout the functional tests in our Web Portal. There’s no messing with raw data, confusing outputs, or long waits to process large video files.
So, how do I get started with Visven?
Fill out the contact form at visven.ai/joinus and a member of our team will get back to you in 1 - 2 business days to schedule a consultation and discuss the needs of your organization.