
Accessing the Web Portal & Exporting a Report

Video Transcript:

Once you've completed your assessment, Visven will automatically process your results and generate an individualized report for your client.

Reports can be viewed directly in the app, or in the Visven Web Portal for easy sharing and documenting. To access the Web Portal, click 'Share' in the bottom righthand corner of the results page in the app, or navigate to app.visven.ai in a web browser. Log in to the Web Portal with the same credentials you use in the app.

Results can be viewed directly in the app, or they can be viewed in the Visven Web Portal for easy sharing and documenting. To access the Web Portal, click 'Share' the bottom righthand corner of the results page in the app, or navigate to app.visven.ai in a web browser. Log in to the Web Portal with the same credentials you use in the app.

On the Web App, you can review the entire summary report for each of the client's previous sessions. Click the 'print' button in the upper righthand corner to generate a PDF for sharing or implementing into an electronic medical record. The report includes a summary of all relevant kinematic variables and an interactive breakdown of results. Click on any red circle to show an interpretation of the client's deficits, plus recommendations for targeted exercises to address each deficit. The corresponding trial numbers in which deficits were identified will show up in red in the upper righthand corner. Click on any trial number to navigate to the Analysis tab.

Here, you can play back videos of all recorded trials as well as view coordinating plots of each kinematic variable. Scroll along the plots to display a blue box with values for each variable at any time point in the assessment. The red line on each plot indicates the estimated Initial Contact frame of the recorded jump. Click the 3 dots on the bottom righthand corner of the video to adjust playback speed or download the video.


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