
Adding a New Patient & Finding an Existing Patient

Video Transcript:

Before you begin recording assessments, you will need to input some demographic information about your subject into the app.

To add a new client who has not yet been tested with Visven, select the 'New Patient' option. You will be prompted to fill out the client's name, sex, and date of birth. You can also add a unique ID, otherwise Visven will generate one for you if left blank. Click 'Next'.

Then, you will be prompted to fill out metrics including height, weight, dominant lower extremity side, and primary sport. Click 'Next'.

Finally, you will be prompted to provide some information about the client's injury history, if applicable. Select whether the client has a history of any lower extremity injury and provide the injured side and the injury category. Then, select whether the client has had any orthopedic surgery and provide the type and date of surgery, if known. Click 'Save New Patient' to continue.

To record a client who has previously been assessed with Visven, select 'Existing Patient'. Use the search function to find a client and review previous assessments or record a new assessment.


Setting Up the Capture Space

